RV Corner

Good character costs nothing!

To finish off the year, we’re focusing on “Good Character” in term 4.

Throughout the year we discussed the importance of believing in Allah, His Angels, the Sacred Books, Prophets, the Hereafter and Destiny. We also discussed the benefits of salah, fasting, hajj and zakat. We also know that the worth of a person’s belief and worship is very closely related to the level of their character.

Good character is achieved when correct principles of behaviour are adhered to and over time become habit. Our students learn in all year levels to make strong choices of good behaviour, such as being polite, humble, courteous, respectful and well-cultured social behaviour. They learn that success or intelligence alone is not enough to measure the greatness of a person but also their behaviour and manners are on account.

Our character is made up by our words, actions and habits!

Watch your thoughts, as your thoughts become your words. Watch your words, as your words become your actions. Watch your actions, as your actions become your habits. Watch your habits, as your habits formulate your character and your character becomes your destiny.

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Beautiful Mosques Around the World

Come and enjoy the year 6's exhibition about "Beautiful Mosques Around the World" at Primary Library.

Beautiful Mosques Around the World
Beautiful Mosques Around the World
Click images to enlarge


We have been very busy in music this term. I have been teaching many students to sight read basic music from grade one upwards. Sight reading is when someone reads the music for the first time and then plays it so there is no memorisation rather it is like reading a book for the first time. There is of course many ways to learn and play music and reading is only one way. We try to focus on different skills and knowledge throughout the year in music that may be one of the reasons that student’s marks may change throughout the year.

Music club for primary is always full. I see many early grade students composing their own music and sometimes two students improvising/creating music together on the same keyboard. They actually listen to each other and respond as well as play in time with each other. This is a huge development of skills.

I hear many children are now buying instruments and/or getting instrument lessons. I would like to remind carers and parents that I am happy to talk about this with them if they would like or tune their guitars or any other help I can offer? Quite a few students are asking for music to take home and I am happy to give them music.

Some students have downloaded music applications on their I-pads which is a great start to playing music at home.

I hope you all have a happy and safe holiday,
Mr Webb.